Welcome to (SSB) Soul Sanctuary Blessings- where you as a “whole” come first!
Indigenously proud-owned healing business.
A safe, private, family orientated sacred healing space to meet most of all your internal healing needs. Fertility Cindy - is a spiritualist peacemaker that comes from a First Nations Treaty 8 background, holding generations of healers passed down from her family lineage. Her grandmother, was known to read tea leaves & her great grandfather was known to be, Governor Sir George Simpson, back in the fur-trade era for the Hudson’s Bay.
Her name carries an indigenous ancestral legacy where its “energies” dislike putting labels on it. Being physically healed as a child she encountered “supernatural encounters”, which followed her well into her adulthood. In return, she is now offering miraculous healings today through her “healing hands sessions” that she shares in her published autobiography, “Igniting Within: A Hands-on Healer's Tips for Awakening to Your Highest Self” (order via Amazon here
As a former Certified (HUC) Hospital Unit Clerk, with struggles in the past to accept her rare abilities, she is now gaining international recognition as a sacred Psychic Practioner Trance-Medium Energy Alchemist, Fertility/Egg Whisperer, now providing Doula Support as a spiritual assistant for birth, postpartum and end of life.
Fertility Cindy is a spiritual activist who believes in building healthy communities in the “now” age that mend separation and discord with like-minded souls alike. From world philosophies, religions, spiritual teachings to theories- all spiritually advanced Beings to everyone in between are accepted through these teaching sessions.
Today, she helps bring in balance and harmony in supporting fertility, dream interpretations, house/office blessings, intuitive vision board making , law-of-attraction manifestation classes and now has Incorporated Astrology & Numerology methods to help bring luck & clarity providing Universal cheat code dates for fertility, business and personal decision making.
Through these miraculous Psychic Healing Blessing Sessions (ceremonies), she is known to Crack-The-Code-To-Conceptions & Wellness- Helping her guest’s feel more purified, shining the light on one's health, pregnancy, prosperity & even putting a stop to miscarriages!
Complimentary to western (emergency) medicine, she amplifies one's journey with a natural channeling process of higher “knowing” consciousess from the heavens & spirit baby dimensions. Redefining what wellness means by placing the power back into the hands of her guest’s, helps create a healthier lifestyle choosing to live more consciously, authentically and more aligned.
This is done through via “Soul Retrieval” -defined as the releasing of one's threatening energies & blockages, aura cleansing, the healing of one's unconscious programs, and the cutting off of ties, bad habits, genetic curses, chakra, trauma and past live(s) and more!
Through the above experiences, her guest’s have testified to benefiting with:
* Life altering healings - a main malignant tumor dissolve into the ether from a Breast Cancer patient, resolution of several patients with Infertility struggles, Plantar Fasciitis Heel Spur, successful Renal chain transplants, Depression, Suicidal thoughts, Confusion, Addictions..
* Financial Gains
* Career path/job/school position changes, and manifestations of an overdue raise/promotion
* The release of bad eating habits
* Finding a new home/selling of an old home
* Improvements in relationships (out of protection)
* Womb blessings (addressing complications in pregnancy & helping turn Breech babies)
* With In”fertility” ceremonies for mothers-to-be: A meet & greet of their unborn baby(s) in spirit aka Rainbow baby(s) may come through with a gender reveal(s) and/or healing messages to come through easier (yes, we have had sets of twins come through)
* Addressing Uterine Complications (PCOS, Unexplained Infertility etc…)
* Bringing to light of health issues, resolutions and preventions (highlight, reduce or remove cysts, fibroids, etc…)
* Protecting oneself from black magic, negative entities, aggressive persons not right for them and helping with forgiveness
* Soul activation & Awakening (Igniting Within)
* More clarity of the mind, body, and soul
* Help with healing separation anxieties; divorce(s), family separation/legalities etc…
* Banish sleep paralysis/anger outrages
* Reconnecting “you” with a passed loved one(s) in spirit including fury babies, amplifying your own spiritual gifts
* Receive a glimpse of the afterlife cycle from a passed loved one
* Alleviating traumas affecting the soul or spirit to bring forth restoration of the physical body to help bring balance of “wholeness”
Fertility Cindy is an experienced mother of 3 children, and a grandmother of 3. She was highly involved in volunteering with the AHS “Caring Hands/NODA (no one dies alone) Program” and just recently completed her DONA training for both “Birth and Postpartum Doula” as well as “breastfeeding support” for a sum of 56 total hours of training. Her services here have shown patients of all walks of life that they all deserve to feel loved, respected, appreciated & truly belong.
Cindy shows up catering to anyone’s belief system helping heal separation, trauma, disconnection to oneself & helping promote longevity without judgement
Advice will be given on Ancestral healing. First comer? You are encouraged to book the 90-minute In-house Crystal Therapy Combo Session with Fertility Cindy.
Discovering simple shamanic techniques will help your nervous system integrate and digest the sheer enormity of the global change that’s currently happening - Enabling you to face the future with more groundedness, calm and readiness
To see what service(s) resonates:
Go to “Book With Us ” found in our drop down menu
Feel free to visit her TESTIMONIALS section, Crown Chakra Blessing Add-on, CONTACT and/or BOOK a session! Cindy thanks your Guardian Angels in advance for guiding you upon her website all for your highest good and the good for humanity. She appreciates all your support, likes, shares, feedback and referrals.
Cindy Simpson Jurado
Psychic Practioner ; Medicine woman